Tuesday 21 May 2013

How to kick off your post-baby job hunt in style

The prospect of looking for a job after months - or even years - at home raising your children can be scary. You may feel like you've completely lost touch with the old 'work' you, and even a glimpse of your former office wardrobe can trigger a growing sense of dread (partly because you suspect little of it will still fit...).

But it's not all bad news. Relaunching your career is not just a chance to pick up where you left off - it's an opportunity to re-evaluate what work means to you, and actively choose a position that fulfills and excites you.

To ease yourself into a new job hunt properly, it's important to consider what you want from a job, and exactly what you have to offer. And as luck would have it, we've put together a helpful article helping you do just that. Learn the three key questions you should ask yourself before you start sending out your CV to all and sundry.

If you need a little morale boost when considering a return to the workplace, why not find out why working mums actually perform better, too?

And just to show you how we think of everything, here's some advice on what to wear when relaunching your career after maternity leave!

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